Bernard Kubbinga
Board Member
A French national, born in 1957 in La Paz Bolivia, speaks 6 languages and graduated from l'EHL Lausanne Switzerland in 1979, specialized in auditing /accounting in a multinational company, Cie Internationale des Wagons- Lits et du Tourisme in Paris. His first overseas posting was in its subsidiary in Bogot� as a Financial Manager for the Andean region. Subsequently Bernard pursued his professional career on the African continent creating a distribution network for products sourced through companies created in West Germany, Indonesia, China and South Africa. He came back with his family to Bogot� 4 years ago and continues to travel to Europe and Africa attending his business interests. Bernard was a board member of Latco Drilling, the first company exited by Tribeca Asset Management.
Back to teamWe invest, medium and long term, in companies with a high growth potential, by acquiring all or some of the company's shares. Our team of experienced professionals in areas such as mergers and acquisitions, �turnarounds�, and financial markets, focuses our investments in Colombia and Latin America. Read more about us
Cash flow, branding, professionalism, quality of life, risk, ethics and the environment are characteristics of each one of Tribeca Partners� businesses. Read more about our values