Headquarters: Barranquilla, Colombia
Activities: Thermal Energy Generation
Investment Manager: Ciro M�ndez
Tribeca Investment: 2010
Fund: Tribeca Energy Fund
With 918 MW of installed capacity, TEBSA is the largest and most efficient thermal power plant in the Colombian Interconnected System. The plant consists of 790 MW of combined cycle Alstom gas and steam turbines and 128 MW of Siemens conventional steam turbines. This represents approximately 7% of the total installed capacity of the Colombian Power system and 21% of the total thermal capacity.
Incorporated in 1994 after the state owned utility CORELCA awarded a Build-Own-Operate project to a consortium led by ABB. Its revenues are generated from a 750 MW Power Purchase Agreement (�PPA�) subscribed with GECELCA, a state owned power utility. The PPA expires in April 2016, date after which TEBSA will represent the plant commercially.
TEBSA is the most important thermal plant in the Colombian Power system, being the plant with the highest load factor in the country. During 2010, TEBSA produced approximately 10% of the total energy demand and close to 48% of the regional demand. During the 2009-2010 �El Ni�o Phenomena�, TEBSA was the plant with the highest load factor in Colombia reaching levels of 97% during the most intense phase of the dry season. TEBSA has been assigned approximately 12% of the system�s firm capacity remuneration.
Given its strategic location in the Colombian Atlantic Coast, TEBSA can obtain its gas from wells located in the department of La Guajira close to the plant. In addition, the regulator has issued resolutions oriented to stimulate the development of Liquefied Natural Gas � LNG importation infrastructure that will probably be constructed in the Atlantic Coast. Plant operations and BOP maintenance is performed in-house by a highly qualified team, mayor equipment maintenance is currently performed by the Original Equipment Manufacturers.
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